Phewwwwww the smell of stinky feet hit me before I was even through the door. I'm not sure what Boulders does differently from other climbing gyms that makes it so much more assaulting to the olfactory system...they even have a change-in policy which requires climbers to have shoes on at all times in the climbing area, so what's the deal?!
Otherwise, Boulders looks like any other well-kept climbing gym. It is a little on the small side, but I like that bouldering is pretty much allowed anywhere in the gym as long as you are cognizant about how high you go. The crowd seems really low-key and laid-back, which makes climbing - for a clumsy novice like me - a little less nerve-wracking. I believe that they also update the routes every 6 weeks (something that I overheard while climbing on a Sunday morning - which is apparently when they do most of their updating), which is awesome for the regulars!!
Groupon has a couple of great options if you are new to climbing and just want to get your feet wet. I just recently redeemed the 5-day punch card which I got for $24, and if I am correct, all punches include a pair of shoes and chalk if you need. :)
Now to not look like a clumsy baby panda attempting to scale a wall...