Okay, I'm a little bit bummed that my stamps from the 30s and first day covers weren't worth anything, but I think I pretty well knew that going in.
Jeff was super-nice and explained to me the world of stamp collecting. He is passionate about stamps and history and politics and current events and the world in general. Go when you have time to chat and you'll have a lovely time. And I'm sure if you're looking to buy stamps, you will find whatever you need because the little shop is stuffed from top-to-bottom, side-to-side, back to front with boxes and folders and binders and big fat envelopes full of stamps.
I was happy to leave everything with him because the shop gives stamps to youngsters who are interested. They are out of my house and maybe someday a kid will say, "hey, look -- an airmail stamp. What's an airmail stamp?"
And another thing, I verified that my commemorative stamps from the 70s were not collectible so putting them on Christmas cards and letters is a good use for them. I have enough stamps to last the rest of my life and even more, so goodbye post office! Thanks Jeff and Ruth.