| - If you've got a thick (tattoo'd) skin and a thin wallet you can enjoy yourself here. The staff are definitely the most authentic bartenders in Las Vegas. The patrons of thee Dive Bar are the most fascinating group of allegiant misfits you could ever wish to befriend. That is how you will be treated here too, not as a customer but more like a valued friend after a while. Loyalty is not forsaken. As long as you are just looking for a good time and are a genuine individual you can find your place here among the regulars. It will be a fulfilling drinking experience every time.
They have fostered some of the most legit bands of rockabilly and punk in this town for many years. The likes of THE METEORS, AGENT ORANGE, DELTA BOMBERS, MURDER JUNKIES (G.G. ALLENS BAND!) NASHVILLE PUSSY, VOODOO GLOWSKULLS, 3 BAD JACKS, BOB WAYNE, HANK3, SUPER SUCKERS. Those ones I remember at least. Best part of the shows are that it's a very intimate stage and the sound system rattles yer bones.
This is a "one of one" kinda bar. The best times of my life happened here. The best friends I've had as an adult sprang from The Dive Bar too. If you like the panache' of a fine hand crafted foo foo drink don't come here! If you like all that ritzy shit go to the Downtown Cocktail Room. You'll find no false advertising whatsoever. No pretensions. No inflation of ego neither. Very much comparable to the Double Down for locals. The null point I could say is that it has become much more popular in it's new location. But, hey?! That's the point of making a prodigious nerve center of drinking, music and comradery for it's customers.
I've been putting this review off intentionally as there is no exact way I could do justice in putting my love for this bar and it's staff in words. The Dive Bar is not a bar at all, it is a juncture of good times, bad times, lows and highs. Laughing and crying at the same time. All this with a drink in your hand and a good band. Many have found love here. Some have found themselves here after they have love lost. Unfaltering, it is a symbol of ragtag punkrock realism wrapped up in a rough packaging that has a heart filled cream filling.
The Dive Bar will always be 5 Stars in my book.