| - All three of my daughters had their ears pierced (over the last few years) at this place, each with a different person. They are very kind people, who truly make the experience as painless as possible. It costs more than a mall place like Claire's, but it is so worth it! It was much better than the "gun" piercing at a local mall, from my memory of having my own ears pierced that way. The piercers here are big on consent, being absolutely positive that a child is making the choice and is sure about their piercing, so be sure your child is the one choosing a piercing (not you) or it will not happen here. One of my three daughters had an issue with her earring (oddly, her ear swelled and the back of her earring went inside her earlobe). After two trips to the pediatrician, who could not do anything and referred me to a specialist to help (and the specialist too long to call me to set up the appointment), we went back to the Piercing Shop and the guy who pierced her ear easily helped get the earring out, advised us on aftercare, and she recovered perfectly! These people are truly experts at their craft - I felt very safe, and they take everything very seriously. And they were good with just talking my kids through it, encouraging breathing while also asking distracting questions ("Do you have any pets? What is your dog's name?") right as they did the piercing. I could not have been more pleased with my experience in this place, and while we are done with piercings for now, should anyone ever want another one, this is where we would go.