I've done the Canyon Rim Ride here twice now (once recently and once four years ago) and really enjoyed it each time. The staff is excellent and the horses are gentle and tame. The scenery is magnificent and awe-inspiring if you can get over the fear of being high atop a horse on the edge of a canyon cliff. I haven't seen much wildlife on either ride except for some ground squirrels, but the surrounding mountains make up for the lack of wildlife. The Canyon Rim Ride isn't the best ride for a first timer but if you have some experience on horses it's awesome. One lady in our group couldn't control her horse and started to freak out until our cowboy guide grabbed her horse's bridle and led it on the trail. After a few hundred yards the horse got with the program and she didn't have any problems controlling it for the rest of the ride. After about two hours in the saddle my legs and thighs were sore and I had seen a lot of scenery, cactus and other vegetation. Be sure to bring a small camera as the guide will stop halfway on the trail and take pictures of you on the horse. Also, you can take pictures while on the horse if the camera doesn't make any noise and you can hold the reins with one hand. Just make sure you have a camera strap around your wrist because if you drop it, it's a long way down. Also, I wish I had brought some carrots or apples to feed my horse after the ride. Next time Licorice, I owe you a bag of apples!