If you call them to ask about plastic frame repair, they're gonna say whatever they can to get you in the door. (Yeah we repair plastic frames, bring them in so we can take a look) Then as soon as you walk in the door they just try to tell you they can reshape tour existing lenses and try to sell you new frames.
When I asked about the phone call the woman up front told me "Yeah you talked to me, you kept asking questions like you were going to get a different answer." To which I replied...."I talked to a guy." After that she said "silly me" and gave me a little slap on the hand like everything was going to be okay. I said "whatever" and walked out.
I've been there a couple of times and had wire frames repaired in the past. But if you know your just going to try to sell me new frames. Just tell me that over the phone so I can figure out what to do on my end. I will try not to recommend this place ever again.