GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.!!This is probably the worst daycare i have ever dealt with.
My child has been in daycare since a baby, so being at daycare is nothing new to him.
I enrolled him at this tutor time and over a course of a couple of months his behavior had changed DRASTICALLY. He was getting "write-ups"up, they were calling me every chance they had letting me know he is pretty much out of control. I was horrified, so I delve deeper to maybe find out why he could possibly be acting like this. After eliminating any possibly reason it could be coming from home, I looked more into how they were handling him at daycare. When they would explain his behavior It seemed as if every child in there was an angel and he was terrorizing the class. So I decided to watch him a couple of times without him knowing I was there and I did not see any apparent bad behavior but, every time I would leave they would call me and say he had just did something worth writing him up about i.e hitting other kids, hitting teacher, throwing. Keep in mind I would stay there for anywhere from an hour to 3 hours. This happened several times. The only possible conclusion I have come up with, taking into consideration all the daycares he has attended and how he behaves in general is that they are either lying or they are not watching him and he feels he would have to defend him self in any type of way. The new director at the Daycare is Leann, she was not helpful in the least bit at most I would get an expression and silence when voicing my concerns. Finally, I decided to take him out. He is currently attending another daycare and is completely fine aside from your typical 3 year old behavior. I'm relieved I will not be dealing with this daycare again.