All About Books and Comics is an amazing Comic Shop. There are great people that work here that know EVERYTHING about comics. Like Eddie for example. They will post something on fb, I will call the store to talk to Eddie and then he will put it aside for me as well. I got my favorite comic of all time, Superman's Gf Lois Name #106 at their old location. They will find a comic for you, order it and have it waiting for you for pick up. They have a bunch of bins of popular comics (anything marvel and DC you can think of). There is a section of the latest comics. There are consignment bins of rare comics. They have a bunch of rare comics behind the counter. There are items behind glass worth hundreds. They have tons of action figures and do some awesome promotions before comics. I love coming here and am a regular. I appreciate everything they do for me. I'm a big collector in terms of bulk and they fuel the addiction