| - This is a gorgeous new HQ for TIFF, and everything is pretty much as it should be - decent sized screens, clean and ridiculously comfortable tiered seating, a gorgeous building and fantastic, accessible facilities.
The variety of films and events that the Lightbox has hosted so far have shown that this isn't a mere cinema, but it's somewhere that wants to engage the public with moving image arts as well. Their participation in Nuit Blanche 2010 was a great example of this. Regular screenings are a nice mix of newer films and some retro presentations, and i'm finding there's more and more i'm wanting to drop in and see.
Ticket prices for standard screenings (public prices) are around $12, but for special screenings and events you're likely to pay more - which is only fair. I do wish it were a little more reasonable to afford a membership, but that's about my only complaint. The concession stand has slim pickings, but at least the prices aren't too outrageous. You will find that for some screenings you are able to bring in outside food, which is an awesome move on the Lightbox's behalf.
It would be great if they could put out a better schedule of screenings and events, because without physically going to the Lightbox I have to rely on the website which is clunky and unfriendly.
Overall, this facility is definitely on par with those like the BFI in London or ACMI in Melbourne, and Toronto should be thrilled to have such a high quality champion of cinema and the arts smack bang downtown.