This place has seriously improved their appearance since I last visited several years ago but the food is about the same as I remember it. Awesome!
I have noticed the decline in quality of certain other burger establishments that have been staples in the West for years. What I don't understand is the continued, if not increasing patronage to these places. (I went to another popular burger place a little further east of C & Dubbs a few weeks ago that has been a neighbourhood fave for years. The lineup went out the door, it took me over 20 minutes to get my food, it was expensive, portions were extremely stingy; 4 frikkin onion rings in my onion ring/fries combo, and the food was awful)! Anyways, enough about them...
C & Dubbs was awesome! I was passing by with wifey and kid and decided to stop in. Neither of them wanted anything upon entry but when I sat down with the behemoth of a burger they gave me and a city block sized basket of fries, they dug in. And there was plenty for all three of us! And like I said, it was awesome! People going to that other place I mentioned should really get on over to C & Dubbs. Then they'll remember what the other place USED to be like.