| - I'm pretty new to Costco, but I have been wanting to join for a long time and I am happy that I finally hopped on the bandwagon. I don't go here much, but I think I've been enough times to have an opinion about it.
- Prices on most items are cheap. Items are sold in bulk. You get a lot of bang for your buck.
- Free samples and product demonstrations! Who doesn't like free?
- Food court. Prices are low and although anything on the menu here is not healthy, it's good quality.
- It's a one-stop shopping experience. The store is so huge that you're likely able to find everything you're looking for in one place: food, drinks, underwear, office supplies, etc.
- Gas. So cheap! I make the drive down here just for that and end up saving upwards of 30 cents per gallon compared to the gas station closest to me.
- No bags! They offer to put your stuff in boxes though. Overall that's a huge plus for the environment.
- It's always busy! Always. There's no way around it. That being said, you'll have to wait awhile in line to pay. You'll probably bump into someone in one of the many aisles or experience a "traffic jam" while someone is perusing.
- Some items are more expensive than you would find in your local grocery store. For example, I don't buy meat here because it's simply cheaper elsewhere.
In conclusion, Costco is great. Every shopping trip here is an adventure. It makes for great family outings and you save money! If you've been on the fence about joining, I recommend to just do it.