This is the exact menu as Babbos (on 67th and Beardsley). Just a different name.
I honestly have NO idea how these people stay in business because almost everytime I eat here, my boyfriend and I are the only customers. It's kind of creepy...maybe they are secretly a business existing just for us. Anyway, there have been times (during dinner hours) where they have had a small crowd, but overall, it's a ghost town. However, that's nothing to complain about! Faster service for me.
I have never ordered anything other than the creamy mushroom asparagus penne pasta. I literally dream about it and cave in every couple of weeks. The prices are not that bad for a nice Italian sit down. They have good happy hour prices for beer ($2.50 domestic). They serve you this onion-topped bread w/oil&vinegar while you wait, and it's incredibly delicious. And you can ask them to replenish it as often as you like. I always order an extra plate just before I'm ready to leave, so I can take it home with me. Why not?