| - Like all Lowe's, this store was clean and well-organized and filled with friendly employees who were ready to answer your questions--in fact, they often come up to you when you're staring blankly at a wall of screws instead of making you seek them out (e.g., HD). I have lots of questions about the items I need for my DIY projects, especially when I haven't done them before, such as home repairs, and they're usually ready to answer my question. I can find help about 50x faster at Lowe's than HD; this store meets my expectations in this area.
If you chose Lowe's, make sure to pick the "right" Lowe's for your needs. The selection definitely varies from store to store. This Monroeville store tends to focus on large houses with large yards and the large tools they use. (On the other hand, the Lowe's at the Waterfront, for example, caters to city houses so they have a lot more small gardening items and a lot less snow blowers and lawn mowers.)
Also, Lowe's has a nice appliance section so if you're looking for a washer dryer or the dishwasher, the selection at Lowe's is much larger than HD. I think Lowe's compares much more to Sears in this respect. In fact, we just got our washer dryer from Lowe's, and we're very pleased with the service and the price. However, don't pay retail. Watch for sales--especially appliances they occur quite often!