| - I work across the street and only walk to the Quarter if I feel I'm on top of my game.
As a pedestrian, I've seen drivers blow through the solid red light in the crosswalk on Scottsdale Road many times. And, clearly the flashing red, which I believe means stop and proceed with caution, doesn't mean much either.
So I feel a need to be psych, to play "Frogger" with the cars. Getting into my car and driving three hundred yards doesn't seem to make any sense given the dearth of parking here.
We like to come to the Quarter because of the HH at Brio and shopping at Pottery Barn. West Elm is an interesting twist on the same concept and I like to window shop inside the Apple store. Our family usually heads to H&M and Sephora next door, while I'm at my electronic toy store.
We've hit a few of the restaurants. Coal Burger is now gone, but it was okay. The pizza is very good at Girmaldi's and the yogurt place on the corner is also good. The MiniBar-ber wasn't bad either and they give you a nice hair cut.
I love the coffee at Press Roasters because it reminds me of the northwest. We've haven't tried Restoration Hardware yet, since they moved across in their new incarnation of themselves. It's their third, if you are playing along at home.
So, the Quarter for me is "A-OK", but I wouldn't call myself a fan