This produce stand is a wonderful resource if you're looking to eat healthy on a tight budget. A quantity of produce that would cost $40-$50 at Giant Eagle or another supermarket will probably only set you back less than $20 here. Recently I bought: 5 pounds of apples for $2, bags of baby spinach for $1, an entire flat of mangoes for $8, red bell peppers for under $2/pound... it's like prehistoric prices on some of this stuff. The selection is decent: you can pretty much always find the type of vegetable you're looking for.
There are only 2 things that hold Stan's away from a five-star rating. One is that the market is not really very well-heated in winter, so you will freeze in here if you aren't warmly dressed. The other is that you have to be very careful in your assessment of what you are about to buy. That $1 head of cauliflower, or the $1 quart of strawberries, is priced very low for a reason, which is typically because about half of the cauliflowers or baskets of strawberries have gone bad. At Stan's, if you don't like to do the old-ladyish careful and minute inspection of the produce you're about to buy, you will probably come to regret it.