I wish I could say it was a great experience. Instead it has/is been a headache. After purchasing a Groupon in December, I spent the next 2 months trying to get in. Keep in mind I never actually talked to " Loretta". Every conversation was all through voice mails.
I started calling first of January leaving mesages. Business voicemail states they do not return calls during business hours. First contact was that they were booked out till end of February. After playing phone tag for several weeks I asked (via voicemail again) to just schedule me an appointment, leave me a message and I will call and confirm that I will be there. This did not happen. I got a return message they were now booked till March with a waiting list.
At this point I was fed up and asked for a refund. Loretta, agreed to credit my groupon but as of today this has not happend. Nor has Groupon resloved the problem either. Guess I'm out $50. Our last communication says "it would have been easier if I had just come in..." Funny, had she returned my calls in a timely manner I would have been happy to come in. Hope Loretta has a differenrt Heart 2 Heart with you.