I am a frequent customer of Kamms souper market. That was until today. my son and I went in to eat and sat at the counter next to the soups, I ordered jambalya and a cheese sandwich and it was excellent. The franchise owner is new and he was the only one there. He took the soup up to the register instead of sitting it down in front of me.I got up and got my soup and sat back down to eat. He then took my sons soup up to the register. He then hollered back down to me the bill was$17.00 dollars and some change. I held up the $20.00 I had sitting in front of me and he said I will ring you up down here. I walked back up to give him the money and saw my sons soup sitting there. He never said a word about it. I took the soup back down to my son and he put my change on the counter by the register. Then he walked right by us at the counter to go in the back to make our sandwiches. Sitting on the counter next to us was all the empty new soup containers. If I were to sneeze it would be all over them. When we got up to leave he never said a word to my son or I. He acted as if he didnt care if we came in or not. Very rude. We will not be going back to his place again.