| - OK, for starters, I HATE CAR DEALERS. They are the scum of the earth and can all eat poo for all I care. That is why I had my Honda for sooooo many years and sooooo many miles. I hate car shopping. And to be quite honest, only living a few blocks from work and being able to work from home, I really don't need a car anymore. But, I said to myself, "self, I want a new car that is fun to drive". So I looked at Jeeps, the Ford Flex, Toyota FJs, Hybred Hondas, Hoped up Hondas (Civic Si Mugeon Edition), Audi, VW, Volvo.... and the list goes on. All had good qualities, but all had Dastardly dealerships (yep, another capital D). All but one. The 1st test drive I did was in a Mini Cooper Clubman at Mini North Scottsdale with Scott W. Scott is friendly, knowledgeable and an all around trustworthy kind of guy. The kind of guy you'd take home to your mother. He put up with my shenanigans for 2 months while I did all of these other test drives and met with all of these other Dastardly dealerships. He was always there for me to ask questions, bounce ideas off of and got me info whenever I needed it. This guy even answers his work email after hours. Now that is dedication. I would buy another car from Scott if I had the means to do so.
After deciding on the Mini Cooper Clubman S, picking mine out, I had to go through the dreaded finance process. ewwwww. This is where they are supposed to separate you from the salesman and the rest of the heard and do Dastardly things to you in a back room (including, but not limited to selling you undercoating, clear coating, flowers, magazine subscriptions, coat hangers,and making you suffer through endless fine print...). Not at Mini North Scottsdale. Wow, even this was painless and quick and super professional. At no time did I feel that Mariana was trying to scam me or pull that typical auto finance BS on me. She was honest, straight forward and super cool to chat with.
This is such a weird review. It's like I'm in Bizzarro world where everything is backwards from what it should be.
In conclusion, Mini North Scottsdale has changed my mind about buying a car. The only thing they didn't do is give her a name for me. Any ideas?