Aaron the store manager personally called me and was concerned I was unhappy. That was refreshing since if you post a bad review from places they don't usually follow it. He did apologize on something's that should've been caught the 1st time. As I mentioned before I thought the work was great and the service was great. I was just surprised at the cost. He checked on a few things and so did I. We came to a resolution that both he and I are happy with and I will come back to Greulich's for service in the future. What I didn't know was Aaron states they used too if the line parts where I know customers would appreciate that so your car doesn't fail again in the future due to crappy parts. As I stated I do very little driving so top of the line parts aren't necessary for me. He did say the can put in any part that would suit my needs and budget. I appreciated that and will use that suggestion in the future. I am happy that Greulich's took the time and effort to see me through satisfaction. That is rare these days but I'm glad somebody cares. Good job Aaron and Kyle.