Okay I'm going to be very blunt and honest! I LOVE DB. Today and like any other time I come here I'm very strongly displeased how you go in and out of this damn parking lot. I was in line for 25minutes and would have spent less the amount of time because 3 other cars who weren't there before me we're going in the other way off lemon. Like you DB staff do walking orders outside which is fine but it sucks when you go ahead and take their orders when they weren't there first. But I'm not mad about that because I had no where to be at this time. But what I'm about to say underneath Will make better since why I'm mad.
Can I please have you guys please please have a not entrance or do not enter sign on that side of the lot. God forbid if anyone had an emergency or death emergency of some kind there should be a way to move out. For such a small lot at it already is there should be one way in and one way go. I used to live in Chico CA went to DB there and they had the same situation and the staff suggested getting the sign because of the same thing.