Well, The Milestone is a dive bar that does punk, metal and rock shows. The cover is usually pretty cheap, the beer is REALLY cheap, the sound system is OMG LOUD! and the place sure has a lot of character. It's the kind of place native Charlotteans think of fondly because they snuck in to see Black Flag when they were 15 back in 1983. Or had their first sexual and\or alcohol experience in the parking lot. Or some such other fond teen memory that makes them overlook the place's serious shortcomings.
For those of us who are Charlotte transplants? It's... something. Let me say this: the bathrooms here are (by FAR) the nastiest in Charlotte. And I'm a GUY. I can't imagine the poor ladies having to hover over the toilets there, afraid of the as-yet-undocumented pathogens lurking on the seat. Seriously folks, the bathrooms here are BEYOND NASTY! And points off for cutting out indoor smoking. They used to not care about the NC statewide ban on indoor smoking ("yeah, like the cops ever come HERE", the bartender told me), but a few months ago they decided to ban it... thus removing the one thing I really liked about it.
Don't get me wrong folks. If you go there with good friends to hear a good band you'll have a fun time. It's just that now that I'm 41 years old I'm a bit less tolerant of subpar facilities than I used to be,