Tried giving them a chance to make this right but they have elected not to. I reserved and PAID for a specific car (BMW X5) for a trip 4 months in advance. I did not want a giant SUV nor could I have a sedan. There were tons of options and I even called to make sure there wasn't going to be a bait and switch before reserving, after I reserved the car and about a week before pickup. I was told each and every time the only other car it would be is an Infiniti FX or whatever that equivalent for Infiniti is. After triple checking with Avis, and having all my stuff packed and sitting by the door with tickets and reservations for my trip, a pet sitter, etc I got a ride to the Avis location and low and behold I walked in and the girl at the desk said we don't have your car. She had attitude with me and said well you got some crazy deal so sorry it just isn't here and the only car we have for you is a BMW 5 series sedan. Now mind you I have a boatload of stuff needing to go into this car as well as a car seat and never would I have booked a car. She told me I could cancel and get my money back - the money they had no problems taking 4 months ago - but that there was nothing else for me. I was very nice, took the car because I had NO other alternative and left to go dump half my stuff before loading this tiny little sedan. It was a nightmare, I was scared shitless driving this tiny car and felt unsafe. If I wanted a sedan I would have reserved a sedan. When I called customer service on the road they told me I was SOL and never once offered to compensate me even a tank of gas which in that car would have only been like $40!!! I even did a survey afterwards and expressed my opinion and asked someone do something to show this isn't going unnoticed but nothing, zilch, nada! I run a business and if I ever treated my customers this poorly not only would I be blasted all over the Internet but would never earn their business again. To me that hurts more as I value customers but apparently Avis does not. Very disappointing.