Fat Drinks
Fat Cups
Fat Drunks
Fat Flavors
Fat Sugar
Fat Tuesday is the place to get a huge cup that's perfect for your walkabout!
One of the best things about them is that to can get your drink refilled for about half the price of buying a new one which makes for an awesome sugar high on liquor!
This is a must visit when on the strip drinks are good and stiff when you add an extra shot to them!
They have a ton of flavors some of them have funky names and I'm not too sure about what they taste like so I just stuck to the usual mango, strawberry, piƱa colada etc.
One of the best parts was that you can mix your flavors together making the ultimate concoction that's sure to get your buzz on!
Looking forward to my next visit here for that pure sugary goodness that's full of liquor awesomeness!