Unicorns! Double rainbows! Where's the beef?! Touchdown! If you ever have a craving for sweets and are on the west side of town, do yourself a favor and stop here. There is a magical, yes magical, glass case that stretches the entire storefront that is filled to the brim with all sorts of pastries, desserts, chocolate and other fresh baked sweets. Be warned if you are in a 20 foot radius of the front door when it happens to be open the smell will draw you in like a sirens song draws in sailors. When you first walk in and that smell of fresh baked goodies hits your nose, its all over, be prepared to stuff your face. If I did not have a fear of diabetes, I am pretty sure you would find me here every day. Also, bonus points for the non judgmental, friendly and patient service when I can't decide what I want to get and spend 10 minutes drooling before i decide what I want to purchase.