clearly a knock-off of the Hooters chain, i think it blows doors on hooters. first, the girls seem much cuter. it's probably easier to get hot young girls to work in bikini tops and jean shorts at a place called Bikini's than it is to get them to wear t-shirt's with O's in strategic places. the food seems way better but that might just be because i haven't been to a hooters in a million years and the only thing that i remember they served was passable chicken wings. anyway, second reason it's better than hooters (as if we needed to go beyond #1!), the food.
third reason, bikini contests. awesome. i don't think it's much of a stretch to put bikini contests in a place called bikini's. fourth reason, they seem to really enforce this whole friendliness thing here. the girl spent as much time sitting at our table chatting us up than she did serving people. i couldn't complain and i don't think the surronding tables were much bothered since they all seemed to have their food and be happy.
but alas, i don't know if 'bikinis' is as catchy or unique a name as hooters so you just don't know if the marketing campaign will take off like the big H franchise did a while back. not sure it's going to be the next big thing but it's got a great niche market so far for multiple reasons. although, again, i don't think you need to go much beyond the first one.