Yum Yum Yum. went out to dinner with my roomie and figured we would get some ice cream at Pink Spot on the way back downtown. the place is hyper-pink in a sugery to the eyes way.
we both got a scoop in a cup, because the cones looked large..and i wanted to try the ice cream..not make a meal of it.
i got Chocolate Peanut-Butter....well because i love peanuts. whole, halved, mashed into butter, stuffed into cup, umm. or frozen with chocolate ice cream. yay! my roomie got PIstachio. she said it was good, and i tried it. wow she was right it was good. the pistachios were good. i don't know if Egyptian Pistachios are different then the ones you can get at sprouts. but it was damn good.
we sat outside and it was nice out. 2 cups of ice cream, 6 bucks. i don't feel robbed or disappointed. just satisfied. i give it a thumbs up, and 4 stars.