Not just exercise gear for the muscle-heads, Dick's also carries a ton of outdoor gear for camping and hunting. I stopped in to check their prices for ammunition and I was very pleased. They carry this in the store and it's a good $2 a box cheaper than the place where I had been buying. And even better, Dick's has a full selection in stock where the other place seems to be lacking at times.
Very friendly service, the guy who helped me with the ammo is a gun enthusiast who was friendly and willing to talk with me about this particular brand for a few minutes.
Yes, they have bats and balls and shorts and tshirts and lots of other stuff designed to get you all hot and sweaty while you're running or playing or whatever it is that you thin people do to burn off calories.
Also a tip - when you're heading to their website, you need to make sure you spell out the entire If you just use first word, you get... something different.