| - This place once used to be a decent place to come to for lobsters and Chinese food. I'm compelled to write this review due to an experience I had tonight having had to host my cousin and her family from NYC visiting us over the weekend.
This is about 5th time visiting Hua Sang over last 2 years and tonight, it has reached the absolute extremity in its level of disgust.
The entire place is infested with the cockroaches. We had a party of 10 people and we placed an order for a bunch of stuff like lobsters, noodles, veggies and a fried rice dish. As we are waiting for the food, I felt we may be short of food so I asked for the menu again. As I opened up the menu, a cockroach fell from the menu and hurriedly ran away despite I was trying to step on it. I felt disgusted but out of embarrassment, I kept it to myself.
The food came out and we went to work. Towards the end, my mom pulls me aside and tells me that there a cockroach. I was like, yeah I saw one too and she's like, "I mean it's in the food".... I was like WTF!!! My sister passed me a folded up napkin and inside, there is a squished roach about an inch in length. It came out of the FRIED RICE dish which I had some as well. Disgusting!!!
I took it to the manager, and he was slightly apologetic and told me he will give me discount. I told him about the roach falling out of the menu at first and I tried to ignore it but having one come out of food was totally unacceptable. He replies "well, sometimes it happens in the kitchen, you know..."
I'm like, whoaaaa!!?! Then takes fried rice out of the bill and applies 2.8% discount. I was like are you kidding me? Then knocks off another $10, which is another 5% or so discount. Another female manager comes and says sorry twice half heartily..
So at this very moment, I'm fixing myself a glass of scotch as I'm writing his review in a hope to sterilize whatever filth that may be looming in my stomach.
Hua Sang needs to be shut down and city needs to inspect the entire place and send out exterminators.. if not, this place should NOT be in operation.
Yukkity yuk yuk!!