Unfortunately, I didn't have the best experience at this particular chiropractic office. The were not open at 9:30 when the office said it opened at that time. I only had to wait 5 minutes for them to get there and open the door but still...not very professional. Then, after they got there, 3 people walked in ahead of me and were taken right back. The "receptionist" didn't even greet me. She acted like she was too busy looking at things on the desk. I had to tell her I had an appointment before she gave me the paperwork. First point of customer service and she didn't even acknowledge I was there. But she greeted other patients who came in. After the doctor took me back he asks me a couple of questions, checked my range of motion, then had me lay on this self massaging table that just aggravated my neck. I got up and walked out. My neck wasn't even what was bothering me too bad when I got there. I do have neck issues but I went for my back acting up. So, I don't get the self massaging table thing. It's just as bad as going to the mall and paying $20 to sit in a self massaging chair. I'm sure other people enjoy them but I don't. Maybe I should have stayed and told him it wasn't working for me but I've never had an experience like that in a chiropractic office before. I also think any chiropractor who doesn't take x rays first, or ask if you have any that they can view, before doing an adjustment, is unacceptable.