I rarely don't give a five star review but the man is right. It's super slow. But my subs have been delicious! Really good! But.... It was slow. Yeah, and you have no idea when it will be ready cause you order it on a monitor and then take the receipt to the cash register. And then you're sorta like, standing by the bananas... But then people think it's a line and they stand by you and it's like no... maybe I'll stand by the coffee. And it's like... Yeah... I don't belong here! Why am I here! Oh yeah my sub.... But there seem to be many employees! That man is wearing a hair net and he doesn't even have hair! I wonder if I ordered too many topping and it was confusing! That man just stole crackers.
Don't even think about getting gas. It's a no. They are lined up. Cause it's so cheap!
The subs were delicious, better than dibellas.