Staples is an odd place. Sure, they have all the normal office supplies you'd expect like paper and printers. They also have things like Yankee Candles, coffee and paper towels. I can never think of a time when I said hey, I need a candle that smells good... I should go to Staples.
I will say the people who work here are really nice. I called one day looking for chalk markers. (Sidenote: chalk markers are life changing for anyone with chalk type needs). The girl I spoke with didn't really know what those were or where to look. She was determined, however, to figure it out. And she did! Although, I'm still not 100% sure if what I bought is actually chalk markers.
They have a great selection of planners. An entire aisle! How do I know this? I have bought my planner here the last three years. I know, nerd alert.
I don't even have to tell you about the worst part of this place... say it with me: THE PARKING DECK. One good thing for them is that they are not on the ground. I always bypass the first floor anyways when I have to come to Metropolitan. Too much headache. It's a lot easier to take the elevator down then try to fight everyone in Charlotte for a parking spot.