I was never much of what anyone would call a gamer. Unless you count standing in the arcade, pumping quarters into a console version of Pong. I only dream of being like that guy in King of Kong, who plays Donkey Kong for hours on a single quarter - he could go in with a buck and last for days. Instead, I would play for like five seconds before being blasted into smithereens by a bouncing ball that looks like a square.
Regardless, that is why places like Gamestop could be completely intimidating to me. There is no Pong inside (or I have been unable to find it). And if I could, our kids would not want it. So I find it comforting that their staff can expertly guide me to something that our kids might enjoy. For the low, low price of $69.99 per game. That is not their fault, of course, and they do at least have used games that you can pick up instead.
Unfortunately, most of those are for outdated game systems, which we also do not have and our kids would not play even if we did. And that still will not help me beat that stupid bouncing ball. Square. Whatever.