Do NOT let Melissa run the front desk! This was my first experience. My friend had free children tickets and asked us to join her at the last minute. Because I needed to run out the door, I didn't look up the cost of an adult ticket. Almost $20. Plan on spending the day there for that cost. First impressions were ATROCIOUS! Melissa didn't say Hi, Good morning, nothing. She never cracked a smile. When she rung up the total and it was almost $40, I asked, "Why almost $40?" With no apology, no smile, she said "That's the cost for 2 adults" My friend and I decided to split that. We provided both our credit cards and Melissa charged all to my friends card. I asked her to split it. With a scuff she called her manager. Never said anything while we waited several minutes for anyone else to come help her. She was horribly rude. Didn't provide any instructions. Did not give us the Dive goggles (or whatever it was that she was supposed to provide). If you don't want to fire Melissa, may I suggest you have her hidden in the back where NO customers will ever see her.
After we shook off the cost of the tickets and the rudeness, the aquarium is cool.