Kristie at Escape is FANTASTIC!!! A week before my wedding in October this year, I had this HUGE zit on my forehead that I thought would go away before my wedding. Nope. The day before my wedding, it was still there and it was ginormous!!! In a desparate attempt to fix it, we call around many salons before finding Escape. Mind you, this is the day before my wedding and when we called Kristie, even though she was all booked that day, she was kind enough to squeeze me in at the last minute! She ran a glass electrode thingy over my zit. It was red all day before the wedding and guess what! The day of my wedding, it had completely flatten out! We were able to cover it up with makeup and my wedding pictures turned out gorgeous! Kristie- thank you! thank you! thank you! I'm eternally grateful to you for saving my day! If you have been a bride, you'll understand that the absolute worst thing in the world to have on your wedding day is a huge zit but Kristie was kind enough to help me! When I was there, I can tell Kristie truly loved what she did and was really experienced. I can also tell that she is a geniunely kind person that cares about others. I will definitely come back for a facial very soon!