This review is for an experience in 2011, but I think it contains a valuable lesson to car owners.
They put on the new tires that I wanted, and were very nice to me about it. However, when came back from the coffee shop I was killing time at, they showed me my car on the hoist and told me there was "serious play in my tie rods." This could lead to loss of control of my car, and when could I come back in to get it fixed???
I politely declined the tie rod repair, and told my dealership to examine my car when I was getting an oil change there, as I did not feel the classic signs of tie rods giving out. The dealership told me my tie rods were pristine. I even asked another mechanic to check them out months later just in case and I was told I had years left in them. I replaced the tie roads 5 years later!
Don't lie to people and use fear tactics to get people to replace parts of their car that are 100% safe! I was shocked someone would do this, especially since I was already in there to buy tires, so you were already making money off me that day.
You get two stars for not pushing me and accepting my decision, as well as having a decent sale on tires. But you lost three stars for being dishonest and greedy!