Yessss ! Found a new favorite sushi place.
This sushi counter has everything I like. Simple, traditional sushis made with good quality ingredients. They don't skimp on the fish either. They also have original offerings like a ''deconstructed sushis'' complete with rice, fish (4 kinds), spicy tempura, gourd, wakame and other salads. The very best part is their prices. The quality is similar and often higher then what one would get at the more trendy sushi restaurants for about half the price.
A fancy sit down restaurant it is not. It's more of a take out place. It's in the Wilderton shopping center, close to the Metro store. There are 4 or 5 small tables and a few seats at the counter if you want to eat there.
They also offer ''party platters'' for about 8-10$ per person. You can't beat that. They are always busy but the 5 or 6 people behind the counter keep it rolling at a good pace.
They have been there for 6 or 7 years. I'm sad I only learnt about their existence now.