How does a company try to make you a customer for life? By treating you the way I was just treated by John.
I purchased a 3 pack of ink for my printer & on one of the cartridges the tiny little curcuit board had come off rendering it unuseable.
I brought the cartridge in to "exchange" it. John refunded the original 3 pack & gave me the new 3 pack and said " sorry for your troubles".
But I only need the yellow the other 2 work fine. To which John replies "don't worry about it. Have a great day".
Wow. I just had a conversation last night with some Yelp* buds about customer service and low & behold John & OfficeMax did it right. All I wanted was a hassle free exchange & ended up being treated amazingly well.
Thanks John for reinstilling the belief that customer service is not dead.
Amazing service. 5 Stars.