| - You'll feel like a kid in a candy shop. No, wait - you ARE a big kid in an adorable soda fountain attached to the largest candy warehouse in Cleveland. Dreams DO come true!
It's hard to spot Sweeties from the street owing to the massive parking lot for both the warehouse and new soda shoppe. I immediately felt 20 points cheerier when I walked in the door and saw all the bright lighting, swing chairs, and booth seats waiting to be enjoyed. The employees have been keeping everything neat and tidy so far, and are very patient when it comes to deciding between soft serve (Dole Pineapple Whip is here?!?), the long list of ice cream flavors (and variations), and the even more extensive soda options. You can ask to sample the ice cream flavors before committing, and I highly suggest doing so. Remember to ask for those seasonal flavors as well! Soft serve is priced by cup size rather than weight, so feel free to pile up those toppings as space permits.
Okay, but back to those ice creams. They are some of the softest, dairy-est desserts ever. The flavors aren't nearly as bold as Mitchell's or Mason's per se, but there's this roof of your mouth feeling I got from the vanilla that just screamed good milk. Would also recommend the Buckeye for any peanut butter lovers.
Surprisingly, this place is also great to camp out for a while. There are outlets scattered around the dining area and clean restrooms (two stalls for the ladies) inside. Not to mention, Wi-Fi! Employees are friendly but will mostly leave you in peace while you dine/talk. In the summer, I imagine many people will start making use of the patio. Also, apparently there's a private room for rent if you've ever wanted to live out the most epic ice cream party in real life.
It might be getting colder outside, but Sweeties Soda Shoppe really warms you up from the inside out. Stay a while, draw on the place mats, spin around on some of those bar stools. Bring a first date or an old date or your favorite kid. Remember the good ole' days.