| - There's nothing to draw you to this Starbucks - some Starbucks have a great vibe inside, lots of seating, really great barristas, or maybe a really convenient location. For this Starbucks location, I'd sooner recommend walking South to the one at College or North to the one at Charles.
The barristas were fine, but the one making my drinks had about 12 feet of long, flowing blonde hair; emphasis on the "flowing", as it wasn't tied up in anyway, and I'm not a big fan of loose-long-hair around my foodstuff.
The area attracts creepsters in the bathroom, to which for some reason they don't keep a key behind the counter, so be prepared to wait forever to go pee because some dude is taking a bath in the sink (true story). People go to this Starbucks to squat, so also don't expect a seat just because the girl with the laptop has been there for 2 hours.