I would not recommend moving here. I come home to notifications of random "inspections" that will be taking place nearly every week. Inspections entail strangers entering your apartment with or without you present, at will. Worse, the only credentials needed to enter your home is a tee shirt with the apartment's logo on it. It's just wrong and unsafe and a total invasion of privacy. It's like having the most overbearing landlord imaginable. The latest "inspection" was a fire hydrant inspection and if you weren't home on the day they came, they fined you $25 for them to come again on their schedule. It's just ridiculous. They leave notes threatening fines for the entire complex because some people don't dispose of trash bags properly. It's just downright arbitrary. Because one person broke glass inside the main pool, they closed all 3 pools for days in a petty attempt to teach us a lesson I assume. Bottom line the new management sucks and it isn't worth the aggravation.