It is interesting to read through the reviews for this restaurant. It seems that you are either going to love it or hate it. I'm on the love side of things. I must admit that I have been here only twice, but I felt the need to write a review because of how much I loved the chicken tikka masala. Simply fantastic! I have eaten at many, many Indian restaurants and this was the best I have ever had. I agree with the naan not being good and the samosa I had was good, but not great. Having said that, the tikka blew me away and made my experience still worthy of 5 stars. A place like this deserves a little slack due to the nature of the business; new, owned by a couple, etc. It certainly could be a little cleaner and slicked up, but come on, this is not why you go to a place like this. I loved it and will be back again and again.