oh my! I loved it! We got the soup - #8, #9 - we couldnt really tell the difference but the nice server guy said it was spicy and would clear our sinuses - it did! The soup was so flavorful, warming, comforting, sinus-clearing and delicious. Except it had giant spaghetti looking noodles which were super awkward and I would rather not have had them but I am not one to think that ethnic food should be told that something is wrong! Besides the weirdo spaghetti there was really just the beef, broth, and herbs. Don't get me wrong! It's perfect. It's so nice. One herb got like stuck on the back of my throat and i made embarassing noises until the server came to check on me. The server guy was like so friendly and nice - I loved him! Hubs just got a large soup. I got a small soup and 2 entrees cause that's how I roll. But honestly.... the small soup and the large soup were a similar size.
At the server's suggestion I got Original Khmer Stirred Pan Noodle and also whatever this is - Chha Kreoung Ma Rass Prowt. Both were good! Cambodian food has super interesting flavors so I struggle to describe exactly what it tasted like but I enjoyed both dishes. I wasn't in love with either but I enjoyed trying them and both were fresh and tasty. The Chha Kreoung Ma Rass Prowt was onion heavy but they were cooked really nice and I enjoyed them plus it seems healthy. Then I put some onions in my soup cause it seemed like there was an excess of onions in the dish and a lack of vegetables in the soup and then I instantly regretted this for an unknown reason and inexplicably hid them from the server with my spoon.
We were like the only ones there put if people tried the soup that we tried then they would go get it on these cold winter days.
Also just a reminder for you dear reader. Always make sure there is toilet paper. don't check after... but rather before.