The tumblebus comes to my son's daycare and he goes on weekly. It's $44 a month, or $13 a visit if we purchase separately. He still has some apprehension about it but has a great time once he's on.
We used the tumblebus for his 2nd birthday party at the park and it was amazing! The kids had a great time and the parents thought it was the coolest thing! You can tell Rijm really loves what he does, and he's just amazing with the kiddos! The party was one hour long and each child got a tumblebus "medal" afterwards. They have a tv option so that you can watch your kids from off the bus, but it wasn't available the day of his party. The cost was 189 for an hour for up to 15 kids. Well worth it for how much fun they have and how much energy they expend!
Rijm was on time for the party and even stayed a couple of minutes late so we could get some photos of the bus. He really works hard to give each kid a great experience and include everyone in the fun!
Great birthday party option and I'm glad my son gets to go on every Wednesday!