If you are tired of being a number, spending more time in the waiting room or only getting a handful of your concerns addressed, then Turntable is going to rise above and beyond your expectations! My first visit has me feeling astonished. I would have gladly paid my copay for this visit since I left with such amazing advice and goals, but I didn't have too. Why is that you ask ? Because it's free with my Nevada Health Coop! Say what.?!?! Yes you read that correctly. I spent over an hour in the facility, received amazing service and it was free.
Short version: this is unlike any expectations a Dr's office would be. I was expecting a long wait and a quick visit. But no....They let you be the driver! You decide how long your visit will be. I waited all of 5 minutes and met my health coach first. I spent a good 30 minutes with her and then my Dr came in and we spent another 30 minutes together. I have never felt so appreciated before. I honestly felt like crying. I wish I could give a higher rating.
Long version: a 5 minute wait and I met my Health coach. At Turntable you have a Health coach and a Dr. My coach was very informative and wanted to know everything I was having concerns with, so I never felt like I could only talk about the "major" thing that was bothering me. I talked about everything that I had been worried about. She took my vitals and then went to get the Dr. My Dr is amazing. He plugged into a big screen with his laptop and told me I was looking at my own medical records and that we would always have access to them. He spent the next 30 minutes answering each of my questions and concerns. We went over my expectations, the items they need from me and what our next steps are. Then I toured the facility and was informed of healthy cooking classes that are offered, the gym that also has free boot camp and yoga classes. They also have anxiety/stress relief coaches on site and will even perform lab work on site! I left my visit on cloud 9. I have never received medical treatment, advice or options with such passion and true honest concern for my well being. I was given business cards for my Coach, my Dr and a 24 hot line that I could use at anytime. I can have email conversations directly with the Dr if needed....even video chat! I am still shocked. Give Turntable a try....you will not be disappointed!