| - This restaurant takes the classic TGI Fridays concept of nailing random shXt to the wall and hanging more from the ceiling to a whole new level. The randomness is truly awesome, including a massive cow wearing pink cowboy boots hanging above the bar. I don't know what it means. I don't think anyone knows what it means. But, it's there's and those that notice it, get to wonder why!?
As for the food, it is unseasoned, uninspired, and boring, boring, boring. Two for one frozen margaritas from a machine, on the other hand, where pretty darn tasty.
So, I'd come in during happy hour, skip the other three people who will be there even though the place easily seats over one hundred, and stare in wonderment at the random paraphernalia. It's worth a star in my as yet undefined Yelp review scale from dreadful to awesome.