For a brand new theatre Ultras Star seems very old school. I suppose we are spoiled by the treat of having AMC and Harkins create "luxury" theatres to spoil us. Truly - have you seen movie theatres in the rest of the country? We have it good!
Anyway, I had heard that it was more expesnive than Harkins and AMC...which was said for me. I worked at a movie theatre my 16th through 18th years. It took me years to get used to even paying for movies, let alone paying close to $10.
However....and this is a BIG however...the movie theatre is all digital. It makes a difference in the quality. Immensely. The picture was wonderful. I would guess that digital is the extra you get for $9.75 (which really is just a bit more than the other two).
I did notice the concession stand prices were high too...but concessions aren't my thing, so it didn't bother me.
What else...
ample parking
friendly cashier
movable arm rests
Do you think if I check "No" on the Good for kids box it will keep people from taking their infants to the movies? Or taking 3 year olds to 9pm Friday showings of rated R movies? Sigh. Probably not.