Honestly the most confusing lunch I've ever had. I wanted to get a flat bread with a side of Mac and cheese and apparently I couldn't order that even though I had sworn I'd seen it on their online menu, the cashier said I had to order them separately with a whole serving of Mac and cheese which would have been like $16 so I just went with the flat bread (it turns out that the menu said if you order a serving a pasta you can get a flat bread as a side, but I had asked for a flat bread with a side of Mac and cheese which was apparently sacrilegious. Then she gave me a table device from the future and didn't explain how it worked, I thought it would just buzz but apparently it gps locator in the maze that is this restaurant. I thought I would try to go to the bathroom which was my biggest mistake. On the bathroom their is a digital screen that asks for a password that's on your receipt. It was locked for a couple minutes so I assumed someone was in there and it was a one person restroom, then out of nowhere a number pad popped up. I entered a 4 digit code and then...nothing. I tried it a couple times, some people behind me tried a couple of times (and then left because it wasn't worth it) and still nothing. Finally I was able to flag down a kid that worked there and he told me that they had printed the wrong passcode on the receipt because it was recently updated and unfortunately because I had tried so many times the door had "locked" itself and it would take a couple minutes to open. It wasn't the kids fault, bless his heart he looked like he wanted to die for telling me I couldn't get into the top secret wiz pallace. The best part is when I finally got in (thanks to the help of another employee) the bathroom was super disgusting and I'm not sure what they are gaurding so heavily. And when I got out there was a kid wondering around with my good looking for the stupid gps tracker thing that apparently doesn't buzz to tell you your order is ready. It really was a trip, but I don't think I'll ever do it again.