| - When my wife Cory first discovered the 'Bet on the Farm" Famers' Market it was nearly two years ago, in fact probably longer. It was held in a warehouse doen by Dean Martin and Eldorado. I went there, and was happily impressed the very first time by the variety and quality of the produce being offered (as well as honey, bread, pasta, and more). As I went there, the friendliness of the people working there, combined with their knowledge was unprecedented to me. It became something I often said made Vegas so awesome to live in. And then it closed!!! Happily Doug got it open again, and I have to say that it because of this market that I have found so many great restaurants _where you can trust the ingredients_ because you know where they come from and how good they are. Otto, B&B, Carnevino, DW Bistro, Sage, to name a few, are my go to places in Las Vegas now, and I recommend them all the time _because I found them through this market_.
Go here, you will be happy you did.