I was a patient of Dr. Castro. 7 months into my pregnancy I developed a severe case of pelvic gurdle pain and carpal tunnel in my left hand (diagnosed by another physician) to the point where my bed had become our downstairs couch and I couldn't even get up to use the restroom unless I used a walker my family wasn't home to help me. Dr. Castro not once asked me about my symptoms and was already gone out of the room before I was able to explain it to her and just referred me to a Physical Therapist to diagnose and treat me. I found out from their receptionist that they had only seen two pregnant patients within then past few months. They had me lay on a heating pad the entire time. After the two visits that she partially suggested and two copays later I saw no reason to keep going back there. When the time came for me to submit the paperwork for my short term disability claim to be excused from work with half of my pay Dr. Castro wanted me to come back to the office a little over a week after I had just seen her, even though i explained how painful it is for me to move and come in, I was very upset that I had came in all just so she could tell me she is denying my request and typically women have to take narcotics or get their labor induced if the pain is that severe (great recommendation doc while I'm 27 weeks pregnant) plus she said I haven't really been going to the ER due to the pain. I went once and they explained that due to me being pregnant they couldn't do anything for the pain (understandable, so why would I keep going in and end up in more pain just to go up there for no reason). She felt as if I could still perform my work duties (when I cant even sit in a chair longer then 10 minutes or move my fingers without pain just to type) She denied my paid short term disability claim but approved me for non paid FMLA...??? And pretty much left with the option of "I can take my 12 weeks leave now or after my baby is born" I've never walked out of a Dr's office before (well barely) but I was so upset, switched physicians that same day. The lack of communication I have received from Dr. Castro is unreal. I believe she may have to many patients idk but she never remembers anything from the visit before or any event that may have happened with me. No notes or anything. I found myself repeating things from two visits ago. I called myself doing research on Dr. Castro before I scheduled with her and it seemed as if she would have been perfect. Boy was I wrong. I have heard that Dr. Pelopida is great. The office staff could use some work as well. They are kind of rude and short with patients as if they are being annoyed by patients.