What I thought would be a fierce competitor to the M&M's store right across the street from here, this Hershey's store kind of fizzled for me. Yes it was cool to take a picture of the Statue of Liberty made out of chocolate & all the razzle dazzle eye candy of the bakery's display case, but overall it was just "okay" for me.
I would have liked to see original, can't get anywhere else Hershey candies instead of candies you can get at any other retailer for cheaper. And while they do have super ginormous sized candies available for purchase I really don't want to buy that.
Although I was completely sugared out with all the sweet treats Vegas has to offer, I HAD to get the s'mores from their pastry case. Definitely something original. It was very sweet though. Don't think I would get it again because there are way better treats to be had in Vegas.
As for the merchandising of their non-food products nothing really caught my attention. I was thinking of getting a Hershey's coffee cup ($6) but decided against it. M&M's does a better job at merchandising so Hershey's needs to step it up a lot if they're gonna compete. And get me to return again.